PISCO’s long-term program sets the foundation for policy-relevant experiments and analyses to address conservation science questions, such as effects of marine protected areas, biodiversity conservation, management of economically-important species, and impacts of changing climate, hypoxia, and ocean acidification.
Cornerstones of this work are partnerships, including with state and federal agencies, non-profit organizations, industry, and other academic centers. We communicate our findings through briefings, presentations, publications and online resources.
Although science should play an integral role in decisions about ocean management, its role continues to be limited in many decision making processes. PISCO’s scientific research is designed to be responsive to the informational needs of management and policy—a goal that can only be realized through effective communication with information users.
- Communicate scientific information and products to inform specific policy and management issues.
- Produce scientific publications and outreach materials to provide scientific information about important topics in marine science to scientific and general audiences.
- Participate on science advisory committees to inform specific policy and management processes.
- Organize workshops and other meetings to bring policy-makers, managers and scientists together.
- Partner with natural resource agencies and others to develop and apply findings from long-term ecosystem studies.
Science of Marine Reserves booklets